Smash Bros. DOJO!! Latest News

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

33% Pemilik Wii adalah Wanita

Nintendo has reported that 33% of Wii purchasers are Women, while the NPD has claimed that 41% of gamers in the United States are female. According to the report below, girls around the age of 8 to 12 tend to drop out of gaming in the past. Now it seems more young girls will begin to take more of an interest in video games as games like Disney’s High School Musical, Hannah Montana and Disney Princess are set to release on the Wii. Games like EA Playground, My Sims, Smartpants and Boogie are just some of the examples we can expect girls to take an interest in. Other titles that Women will take an interest in is Thrillville and Wii Fit.

Nintendo’s strategy from the beginning was to entice Women and it seems that the Wii will be this generation’s choice for such a market.

wow banyak juga ya gamer wanita, kalau sekarang prediksi penjualan Wii sudah mencapai angka 10 juta unit, berarti 3 juta dari seluruh pemilik Wii di dunia adalah wanita. Tapi apakah di Indonesia juga demikian?


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